Captivating Gondang Orchestra Experience
Gondang Orchestra was created in 2010 by Tigor Situmorang with the purpose to introduce to promote to preserved GONDANG the traditional music of Batak people in North Sumatra Indonesia by combining Gondang music with Orchestra music. Gondang Orchestra would like to make easier to embrace the world enhance relations between Indonesia and other countries with music aa the bridge.

Gondang Orchestra
Experience the traditional Gondang orchestra performances that showcase the rich cultural heritage of Indonesia.
Gondang Orchestra
Kota Wisata Cibubur
Gondang Orchestra News

Gondang Batak dan Tari Tortor Mempererat Indonesia-Thailand
Ratusan mahasiswa Thailand pelajari seni budaya Gondang Batak
Check out the spectacular shows the Gondang Orchestra have performed
Mahasiswa Indonesia Thailand Belajar Kesenian Batak pada IndoFest 2024
Mahasiswa Indonesia Thailand Belajar Kesenian Batak pada IndoFest 2024

TRansparance Rental Sound System